I tried your latest version, v7.2.0. and saw you fixed the “Axis Type Issue”, where the Type changed from numCache to strCache. Many thanks!
But there are still some issues remained.
1. The chart chache is not refreshed after saving (see post:
Problem using charts manipulated with aspose.cell with Open Xml Sdk)
2. By changing the axis type from numCache to strCache the number format has been deleted in the last version. In the new version the type does not change but the number format will be deleted still (See Difference2.png)
3. Some changes are still appearing by loading and saving a workbook, see difference1.png and difference3.png
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for your posting.
I have split your thread for your newer issues. Please always create newer threads for your separate issue.
It is because threads are associated with issues and ideally single thread should deal with single issue to keep track of everything and sorting out the problem.
I have now logged the issues you mentioned in our database. Development team will look into it and once we have some update or fix available, we will let you know asap.
This issue has been logged as CELLSNET-40601.
Please download and use the latest version:
for .NET v7.2.0.2
Please use the below sample code before “workbook.Save(path, saveOption);”
OoxmlSaveOptions saveOption = new OoxmlSaveOptions();
saveOption.RefreshChartCache = true;
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40601) have been fixed in this update.
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