Received : 2007/10/09 05:28:29
Message : Hi,

I am using ASPOSE.Words in ASP page.
I have written the following code:

Dim License 
Set License = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.License") 
License.SetLicense "C:\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Words\License\Aspose.Total.lic" 

Dim WordTempl 
Set WordTempl = Server.CreateObject("Aspose.Words.ComHelper") 

'==Set WordTempl = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.WordTemplate") 

WordTempl.Open Server.MapPath("WordWriter/complianceviolationform.doc") 
WordTempl.SetDataSource_1 "short_name", NAME 

in replacement to the following code:

NamesArr = Array("short_name","program_name","location","date_of_incident","meeting_event","agency","contact_host","meeting_planner","products","status","incident_to_report","cv_type","other","action_taken","cv_group") 

Set WordTempl = Server.CreateObject("SoftArtisans.WordTemplate") 

WordTempl.Open Server.MapPath("WordWriter/complianceviolationform.doc") 

WordTempl.SetDataSource ValuesArr, NamesArr 

It gives me an error stating that SetDataSource is an invalid property. I have even tried SetDataSource_3, SetDataSource_5 and SetDatasoURCe_1
but it gives me the same error.

Please help me know the reason for this.
And also please look into the other changes I have done, and let me know in case of any errors found from your side.


This message was posted using Aspose.Live 2 Forum

Thanks for your request. If you want to perform mail merge then you can use the following code.

Dim convention_name
Dim city_name
Dim full_name
Dim Title
Dim Special
convention_name = "George"
city_name = "Washington"
full_name = "George Bush"
PHONE_NUMBER = "654646464"
Title = "Test"
Special = "1"
Dim helper
Set helper = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.ComHelper")
Dim Doc
Set Doc = helper.Open("E:\Projects\Aspos.words\Tests\TestTwo\bin\115_88619_AjayDeshmukh\site2\in.doc")
'Create new RecordSet
Dim rsParam
Set rsParam = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsParam.Fields.Append "ConventionName", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "ConventionCity", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "SpecialInstructions", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "ConventionManagerName", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "ConventionManagerTitle", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "ConventionManagerPhone", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
'Fill RecordSet
rsParam.AddNew Array("ConventionName", "ConventionCity", "SpecialInstructions", "ConventionManagerName", "ConventionManagerTitle", "ConventionManagerPhone"), Array(convention_name,city_name, Special,full_name, Title, PHONE_NUMBER)
'Execute MeilMerge
Doc.MailMerge.ExecuteADO rsParam
'Save document
doc.Save "E:\Projects\Aspos.words\Tests\TestTwo\bin\115_88619_AjayDeshmukh\site2\out1.doc"

I hope that it will help you.
Also, attach your template for testing.
Best regards.

Hi There,
Thanks for the reply.
But I am in a bit of doubt, as I will be using Datasource, Recordset to fill the word document on a button click event.
I am attaching the asp file I am using and the Word template documnet which needs to be filled on button click event and saved with a different file name. File name is generated in the code name it self.
Please let me know the changes I need to do in my file.
I tried my code (which I had previously sent) and also I am trying your code. But there is a slight confusion.
Please help me with this.
Waiting for your reply ASAP.

Thanks for additional information. Try to use the following code to achieve what you want.

Dim NamesArr
Dim ValuesArr
Dim WordTempl
Dim helper
Set helper = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.ComHelper")
Dim rsParam
Set rsParam = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsParam.Fields.Append "short_name", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "program_name", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "location", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "date_of_incident", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "meeting_event", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "agency", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "contact_host", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "meeting_planner", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "products", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "status", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "incident_to_report", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "cv_type", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "other", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "action_taken", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
rsParam.Fields.Append "cv_group", CInt(129), CInt(40), False
NamesArr = Array("short_name","program_name","location","date_of_incident","meeting_event","agency","contact_host","meeting_planner","products","status","incident_to_report","cv_type","other","action_taken","cv_group")
rsParam.AddNew NamesArr, ValuesArr
Set WordTempl = helper.Open(Server.MapPath("WordWriter/complianceviolationform.doc")
‘Fill template
WordTempl.MailMerge.ExecuteADO rsParam
Dim stream
Set stream = CreateObject("System.IO.MemoryStream")
WordTempl.Save_4 stream, 1
'Specify the document type.
Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
'Other options:
'Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
'Response.ContentType = "text/html"
'Specify how the document is sent to the browser.
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition","attachment; filename=MyDocument.doc"
'Another option could be:
'Response.AddHeader "content-disposition","inline; filename=MyDocument.doc"; 
'Get data bytes from the stream and send it to the response.
Dim bytes
bytes = stream.ToArray()

I hope that it will help you.
Best regards.