3-D Rotation -> Right Angle Axes ( How to make in Aspose.Cells ? )


How I can set such property in Asopse.Cells?

In Microsoft excel I can make it via following:
right click on chart -> context menu, then select
3-D Rotation -> 3-D Rotation -> Right Angle Axes
see attached image for more infomration.


It looks like a new feature that you are demanding which might not be supported at the moment. We have logged your feature request with an id: CELLSJAVA-40029. We will look into it soon.

Thank you.

Hi ,

Thank you for your response.

I have asked about it because in latest verion of Aspose.Cells

in new version it has become unchecked ( Cells 7 ):
( ) - Right Angle Axes

by default it was checked ( Cells 2.5 ):
( V ) - Right Angle Axes

I just would like to return it like it was before.

Thank you.


Please try the attached version: v7.0.2.6.

We have fixed the issue of default value of “Right Angle Axes” property. To set this property, please use Chart.setRightAngleAxes(boolean).

Thank you.