Full Justification

Is it possible to do full justification within a text element?

Dear pcoulter,

Thanks for your consideration.

Would you please elaborate your question?

Fully justifying a text element would make it so that each line ended at the same place, much like a newspaper article column. You can see an example if you type a bunch of text into Microsoft Word, and format the paragraph to be ‘Justified’.

Dear pcoulter,

Thanks for your consideration.

Justification and full justification is not supported currently, but we can add support for it soon.
How urgent are you? If you are eager to use this function, we will give a hot fix; if not, we will support this function in the next fix.

Any chance you can get it in there by September 1st?

Dear pcoulter,

Thanks for your consideration.

No problem.

Dear pcoulter,

Please check the latest hot fix.

Thanks for your request.