Find method not working properly when upgraded to Aspose version


We were using Aspose with version 5.0 previously. Now we have upgraded to Aspose
As the FindString(string,cell) method is deprecated, we have replaced it with Find(object,cell,findoption). We are facing “object reference not set to an instance of an object” with the sheet.cells.Find method. Please let us know the specifications of the cellarea that has to be given to the findoptions in this case.

As an example,

Before upgradtion,

After Upgradation,
Dim area As CellArea
area.StartColumn = 0
area.EndColumn = sheet.Cells.MaxDataColumn
area.StartRow = 0
area.EndRow = sheet.Cells.MaxDataRow

Dim optionFind As FindOptions = New FindOptions

sheet.Cells.Find(“description”, Nothing, optionFind)

Please help in resolving this issue.


Hi Varsha,

Please review the detailed article on Find feature offered by Aspose.Cells for .NET API. If you are getting the said exception against a particular spreadsheet then please share it here along with details on search criteria so we could test the case against the latest version of Aspose.Cells for .NET, that is; at the moment.

Thank You. It solved the problem.

Hi Varsha,

It is good to know that you are up & running again. Please feel free to contact us back in case you need our further assistance with Aspose APIs.