Formatting issue in Excel on Mac OS

We use the latest version of Aspose.Cells to open, manipulate, then save Excel files. The code looks something like this:

sourceStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

var wb = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(sourceStream, new LoadOptions(LoadFormat.Xlsx));

//Manipuate cells here, then save

var result = new MemoryStream();

wb.Save(result, SaveFormat.Xlsx);

In order to illustrate the problem we removed all cell manipulation code. What remains is just open and save. In the attached zip file ReportOutput.Preliminary.xlsx is the source that was opened in Aspose.Cells and ReportOutput.xlsx is what was saved.

When we open saved file in Mac Excel 2011 or 2015, arrow image overlaps with numeric value as seen in the attached PNG. When opened in Windows Excel there is no overlapping. If file is opened in Windows Excel, then immediately saved with no changes then opened in Mac Excel the problem disappears and there is no overlapping.

Our conclusion is that save function in Aspose.Cells introduces some formatting distortion that is automatically corrected by save function in Excel.

Please let us know if there is any remedy to this issue as it is critical to our Mac using customer base.


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

If you are not already using the latest version: Aspose.Cells
for .NET v8.6.0.3
, please download and try the latest version and see if it makes any difference at your end.

Do you mean to say when you save your source excel file as output excel file using Aspose.Cells, then the output excel file opens fine in Microsoft Excel on Windows but the same file shows problem on Microsoft Excel on Mac OS.

It seems you have attached the output excel files not the source excel files. i.e ReportOutput.Preliminary.xlsx and ReportOutput.xlsx.

Also the image Mac Excel overlap.png attached by you looks good and does not show any problem. Could you please highlight the problem with red circle.

Please provide us your source excel files. Please provide the screenshots of both Windows and Mac. All these things will help us investigate and fix your issue. Thanks for your cooperation.

Hello Shakeel,

We are using version

Yes, your understanding is correct. If file is opened in Excel for Windows, there is no problem. but if the same file is opened in Excel for Mac, there is an issue. However if file is first opened, then saved without changes in Excel for Windows, then it opens fine in Excel for Mac.

I have checked attached ZIP file and it does contain two Excel files, as explained in original post: ReportOutput.Preliminary.xlsx is the source file that was opened in Aspose.Cells, and ReportOutput.xlsx is what was saved by the Aspose.Cells library. That last file demonstrates the issue.

In the attached image please look at the third box labeled ADR. You will notice green arrow above the label, and to the right of it there is cut off number and then percent sign. That cut-off number is overlapped by image, which is the issue at hand. Similar overlaps are happening in other three boxes, but to lesser extent.

Thank you for looking into it.


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

Please provide us full screenshots instead of partial image. We need your full screenshots for both Windows Microsoft Excel and Mac Microsoft Excel to look into this issue further. Thanks for your help in this regard.

I have attached a sample full screenshot for a reference. We need similar full screenshots.