Enterprise Custom Field Support

Does Aspose.Tasks support reading the values of Enterprise Custom Fields? I have a few custom fields (T1, N1, Health) defined in the attached file, but the ExtendedAttributes collection has no items for the tasks.

I am evaluating Aspose.Tasks

Thank you!


Unfortunately Aspose.Tasks does not support reading enterprise custom fields/attributes now.

A new issue ‘Read enterprise custom fields from MS Project 2003/2007 MPP files’ with ID = 14786 has been created and linked to this forum thread. The issue deadline is scheduled for the end of April.

Sorry for inconvenience. Thank you for your interest in our product.


Unfortunately we will not include the feature support in our this month release.

Sorry for inconvenience. Let us know if the issue is critical for you and we will try to change its priority.
Sorry again.

bonjour … y a-t-il des mises à jours pour ce probleme?


Essayez la dernière version de Aspose.Tasks pour .NET 17.9 qui devrait fonctionner pour les attributs personnalisés Enterprise. Si vous rencontrez un problème, veuillez partager votre fichier MPP avec nous pour une enquête plus approfondie de notre part.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.