How can i place a word file content in to an excel file

Dear Aspose team,

I need to place a word file content in to an excel file. kindly let me know how can i do that.

Thank you


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Well, if you want to add a word document to an excel file, you can embed word document as Ole Object in your excel file. Please see the following sample code in this regard,

Sample code:

//Define a string variable to store the image path.
string ImageUrl = @"f:\test\school.jpg";

//Get the picture into the streams.
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(ImageUrl);

//Define a byte array.
byte[] imageData = new Byte[fs.Length];

//Obtain the picture into the array of bytes from streams.
fs.Read(imageData, 0, imageData.Length);

//Close the stream.

//Get an word file path in a variable.
string path = @"f:\test\MyDoc.doc";

//Get the file into the streams.
fs = File.OpenRead(path);

//Define an array of bytes.
byte[] objectData = new Byte[fs.Length];

//Store the file from streams.
fs.Read(objectData, 0, objectData.Length);

//Close the stream.

int intIndex = 0;

//Instantiate a new Workbook.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
sheet.OleObjects.Add(14, 3, 200, 220, imageData);
workbook.Worksheets[0].OleObjects[intIndex].FileType = OleFileType.Doc;
workbook.Worksheets[0].OleObjects[intIndex].ObjectData = objectData;
workbook.Worksheets[0].OleObjects[intIndex].SourceFullName = path;

//Save the excel file

Also, please check the doc topic for your reference:

Thank You & Best Regards,

Dear Aspose Team,

I used your code, but i still get the following error.

CS0200: Property or indexer 'Aspose.Cells.OleObject.SourceFullName' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only

Am i using the older version of your dll? Kindly let me know

Thank you.


Yes, I think you might be using some older version of the component. Kindly try our latest version 4.7.1:

Thank you.