Pptx addClone in java - multiple issues -

Trying to clone slides between pptx files in java using the following code somewhat transposed from the .net examples:

PresentationEx sourcePres = new PresentationEx(sourceFile);
PresentationEx targetPres = new PresentationEx(cloneToFile);

// tried using this to get the first slide of the targetpres(it is a pptx with a blank slide in it to delete later)

SlideEx firstSlide = (SlideEx) targetPres.getSlides().iterator().next();

HashMap<MasterSlideEx, MasterSlideEx> masterMap = new HashMap<MasterSlideEx, MasterSlideEx>();

for (int i = 0; i < slideNums.length; i++) {

MasterSlideEx mstr = sourcePres.getSlides().get(slideNums[i]).getLayoutSlide().getMasterSlide();
if (!masterMap.containsKey(mstr)) {
int idx = targetPres.getMasters().addClone(mstr);
masterMap.put(mstr, targetPres.getMasters().get(idx));

// this causes an error listed below



hitting a couple of errors here:
1) if i do not delete the first slide from the target presentation no error is thrown during write but the presentation cannot be reopened using new PresentationEx(targetFile) - it throws:

com.aspose.slides.PptReadException: Error reading “/[Content_Types].xml” xml part
at com.aspose.slides.obfuscated.pq.do(SourceFile:546)
at com.aspose.slides.obfuscated.pq.do(SourceFile:504)
at com.aspose.slides.obfuscated.pq.if(SourceFile:225)
at com.aspose.slides.obfuscated.pq.(SourceFile:188)
at com.aspose.slides.pptx.PresentationEx.(SourceFile:926)
at com.altuscorp.ppcat.PPTUtil.newPresFromOldX(PPTUtil.java:665)
at com.altuscorp.tests.PPTest.main(PPTest.java:59)

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.aspose.slides.obfuscated.pq.do(SourceFile:518)
… 6 more

if you open the file in ppt2007 it sometimes(usually) states “PowerPoint found unreadable content in… Do you want to recover the contents of this Presentation?..” if you click to recover contents you get the slides, but with the evaluation message/watermark, even though there is a valid license loaded in the normal fashion. Other aspose outputs from the same library/classpath/application do not have the watermark and no LicenseExceptions are thrown.

2) if i do delete the first slide, on write the following is thrown:

java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: ppt/slides/_rels/slide1.xml.rels
at java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry(ZipOutputStream.java:175)
at com.aspose.slides.pptx.PresentationEx.do(SourceFile:703)
at com.aspose.slides.pptx.PresentationEx.write(SourceFile:962)
at com.aspose.slides.pptx.PresentationEx.write(SourceFile:940)
at com.altuscorp.ppcat.PPTUtil.newPresFromOldX(PPTUtil.java:664)
at com.altuscorp.tests.PPTest.main(PPTest.java:59)

Not sure if this is the correct code to use, or if i need to change some things, or what is related to bugs in the latest aspose build. obviously this is a holdup for feature development/release so as usual look forward to your quick turnaround. Please let me know if you need any additional info.