A referenced cell range from a sheet that is in a formula is not expanding with the main range in .NET

A referenced range within a formula from another sheet is not expanding when the range is expanded. For example, we have a formula in sheet A that is pointing to cell range in Sheet B. =SUMPRODUCT(‘SheetB’!$Q$348:$R$348,‘SheetB’!$Q$47:$R$47)

We inserted columns between Q and R in SheetB, the formula in SheetA did not reflect the range expansion.


Thanks for providing us some details.

How do you insert columns between Q and R in SheetB, do you use Cells.InsertColumn(s) method? Please provide us sample code (runnable) and attach your template file to reproduce the issue, we will check it soon.

We are using Worksheet.Cells.CreateRange() between Q and R in SheetB.


As requested earlier, please provide us sample code (runnable) and attach your template file(s) to reproduce the issue, we will check it soon.