Adding an audio file to a PDF document


I am evaluating the product Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET and I cannot make a fundamental example for the project it is related to: adding an audio (an MP3 file) to a PDF document.

My system is a fully updated Linux Debian 12 to which I have installed the packages (and their dependencies):

  • python3-full
  • python3-pip
  • libgdiplus

Then I created a specific environment for Python with the command : python3 -m venv .venv to let me install the aspose-pdf package using pip [source .venv/bin/activate]: pip3 install aspose-pdf.

From the previus Aspose PDF pip package I have taken the example code to create a simple PDF and check that the library works:

import aspose.pdf as ap
# Instantiate an object of HtmlLoadOptions
options = ap.HtmlLoadOptions()
# Convert HTML to PDF
document = ap.Document("input.html", options)
# Save PDF"output.pdf")

With it I created a PDF document that I used with the following example code (taken from the Aspose knowledge base) that inserts an MP3 audio file into the PDF file:

import aspose.pdf as pdf

# Load the license
license_pdf = pdf.License()

# Load the PDF file
pdfDoc = pdf.Document("output.pdf")

# Create SoundAnnotation object
sound = pdf.annotations.SoundAnnotation(pdfDoc.pages[1], pdf.Rectangle(25, 750, 70, 840, True), "beyond-horizons-201654.mp3")

# Set sound annotation properties
sound.color =
sound.title = "It is a click"
sound.subject = "Sound Annotation demo for embedding sound"
sound.popup = pdf.annotations.PopupAnnotation(pdfDoc)

# Add annotation to the PDF and save it
pdfDoc.pages[1].annotations.add(sound, True)"OutputMp3.pdf")

print("Audio added successfully")

In order to execute the previous codes I found on the Internet that I had to export the following variable to the system so that it would not cause problems:


The program runs without error but when I try to see the result of the PDF the embedded audio [‘beyond-horizons-201654.mp3’, a musical audio of 1:58 seconds long and free to use downloaded from the Internet] is not heard, only sounds like static, like an untuned TV channel.

I am using a trial license (Aspose.PDFforPythonvia.NET.lic) that I have requested for the package in case it was necessary to use it to obtain all the functionalities (although I understand that it would not be necessary).

I have added to the post the final result (the PDF with audio) so that you can see (listen to it :yum:)

Could anyone tell me what the hell I’m doing wrong? :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

All the best

OutputMp3.pdf (3,6 MB)


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFPYTHON-228

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Hello again,

Is there any response from the development team regarding the ticket you raised about embedding audio in a PDF using Aspose.Python?


We are afraid that the earlier logged ticket has not been yet resolved. It is currently being investigated and as soon as the investigation of the ticket is complete and we have some feedback to share, we will update you via this forum thread. Please be patient and spare us some time. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Your detailed explanation of the issue is very helpful. I am also looking for a way to embed audio in PDF files using Aspose.Python. If there’s any update or workaround from the team, I’d appreciate if you could share it here. Thank you.


At the moment, the ticket is under review and as soon as it is resolved and we have some updates to share, we will provide them in this forum thread. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for the update, @asad.ali. I’ll wait for the resolution and check back here for any updates. Appreciate your efforts in addressing this.