Adding Design Page and SmartMarker Option

I am trying to add Excel Desiner to may project
I have added the &=DataSource.FieldName to mutiple firstrow cells

When i save the page to my desktop I am not getting the FieldName The cells show &=DataSource.FieldName.

I am using the following C# code

private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Excel excel = new Excel();
ExcelDesigner designer = new ExcelDesigner();
excel.Worksheets[0].Cells.ImportDataGrid(dgMain, 1, 1, true);
//AutoFit the first row
//AutoFit the first column
excel.Save(“result.xls”, SaveType.OpenInExcel, FileFormatType.Default, this.Response);


What am i doing wrong???

Thanks for the assistance

If you want to polulate data to your smart markers, you should do by this:

ExcelDesigner designer = new ExcelDesigner();
designer.SetDataSource(dataSet); //This dataset should contains a Table which name is same as “DataSource” and a column’s name is “FieldName”. Please refer to the sample code of our online smartmarker demo


designer.Save(“result.xls”, SaveType.OpenInExcel, FileFormatType.Default, this.Response);

Hi Laurance,

I changed my code to the lowwoing but I still am not ablt to get the Column title to work.


ExcelDesigner designer = new ExcelDesigner();

designer.Excel.Worksheets[0].Cells.ImportDataGrid(dgMain, 0, 1,true);

//AutoFit the first row

//AutoFit the first column


designer.Save(“result.xls”, SaveType.OpenInExcel, FileFormatType.Default, this.Response);



ImportDataGrid method doesn’t import the column title of the datagrid because I don’t find the way to get it.


So how do i get the header information?

Since you create the DataGrid in your web page, I think you can get the header information with your code and put the data to a spreadsheet using Aspose.Excel.