Adding form field to a pdf

I was wondering if with aspose it’s possible to add a formfield setting it’s dimension and position in mm(or cm) …

Is there any example?

I’ve succeded in doing

public void DoWork(string source, IEnumerable items)
Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDocument = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(source);

FormEditor formEditor = new FormEditor(pdfDocument);

foreach (var item in items)
var rect = GetRectangle(item);
TextBoxField textBoxField = new TextBoxField(pdfDocument.Pages[item.Page], rect);

textBoxField.Name = item.ItemName;
textBoxField.Value = item.ItemName;

pdfDocument.Form.Add(textBoxField, item.Page);


Just a question…how can I set the textfield font/font-size?

Hi Michele,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please check following documentation link for setting form field fonts and size. Hopefully it will serve the purpose.

  • [How to set form field font](

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,

Thank a lot for your response,
how can I set the font and font-size? Is there a class for converting cm /inch to points?

Hi Michele,

Thanks for your inquiry. Are you getting some issue in setting font and font size? as above shared [document]( link demonstrate how to set font and font size.

Furthermore in reference to points to cm/inch conversion, please check the [document]( describing the details. Hopefully it will resolve the issue.

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,