Adding Text for 2nd time causes Font not found error

We have Identified an issue where we are adding text to a page and the second attempt causes a “Invalid font name” error.
at Aspose.Pdf.Text.FontCollection.get_Item(String name)
at #=zljpl9PxfTsh1Q8XAN$zauZ0VLBVjxSm8dipfuQekc8YSdMbqd2pN$oQ=.#=zY6DWKF4=(Operator #=zsbU_x4Q=)
at #=zljpl9PxfTsh1Q8XAN$zauZ0VLBVjxSm8dipfuQekc8YSdMbqd2pN$oQ=.#=zpFRM5lk=(Page #=zE1jRiis=)
at #=z7bI4GhXHbP5a$tKtZ8fm0$FK08ZqVwwFMU7Gn9PU8pHKjC5I32rh0nhN51yo.#=z_YqDx3Uum8NK(BaseOperatorCollection #=zjOjnrAs=, Resources #=zbBygHAs=, Page #=zE1jRiis=, Rectangle #=zqNRxG1$Q9Fa2)
at #=z7bI4GhXHbP5a$tKtZ8fm0$FK08ZqVwwFMU7Gn9PU8pHKjC5I32rh0nhN51yo.#=z_YqDx3Uum8NK(BaseOperatorCollection #=zjOjnrAs=, Resources #=zbBygHAs=, Rectangle #=zqNRxG1$Q9Fa2)
at #=z7bI4GhXHbP5a$tKtZ8fm0$FK08ZqVwwFMU7Gn9PU8pHKjC5I32rh0nhN51yo.#=zcUe771Y=()
at #=z7bI4GhXHbP5a$tKtZ8fm0$FK08ZqVwwFMU7Gn9PU8pHKjC5I32rh0nhN51yo…ctor(Page #=zE1jRiis=, TextSearchOptions #=z6ldrMdvX$E_U, Boolean #=zveOihqWiLh45)
at Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragmentAbsorber.Visit(Page page)
at Aspose.Pdf.PageCollection.Accept(TextFragmentAbsorber visitor)
at Program.GetTextCoordinates(Document doc) in C:\Users\gmitchell\source\repos\AsposeAddText\Program.cs:line 38
at Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\gmitchell\source\repos\AsposeAddText\Program.cs:line 25

I have also created a sample application to demonstrate the issue.
Using latest 23.9.0 version of Aspose.PDF

The archive was attached here

I deleted the archive you attached because it contained a license file.
Tomorrow I will study your question and answer you.

Uploaded again minus the license (848.1 KB)

I have reproduced this error and will create the task to the development team. Thank you for writing to us about this.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-55631

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.