Additional Column Element w:gridCol appears during HTML Tables Conversion to DOCX Word Document using C# on Ubuntu Linux

I want to convert to docx. I can do it on Windows. On ubuntu Aspose creates additional columns in document.xml:

        <w:gridCol w:w="1875"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="1866"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="529"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="1866"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="219"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="219"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="1"/>   <------------- a wrong additional column
        <w:gridCol w:w="218"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="219"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="2263"/>
        <w:gridCol w:w="2"/>    <------------- a wrong additional column
        <w:gridCol w:w="151"/>

If you try to make this file smaller problem disappears.

<PackageReference Include="Aspose.Words" Version="20.3.0" />


There is a huge file with many tables. Some of the tables are processed correctly on Windows, some on Ubuntu. So is a subset of 7007_10 created for testing purpose. Can you help me?


Are you observing the above problem during converting to DOCX format? Please also ZIP and attach the Aspose.Words v20.3 generated DOCX file (showing the undesired behavior) here for our reference. Also, please share the piece of source code that you used on your end for this HTML to DOCX conversion. Also, please make sure that you are using the latest version of Aspose.Words on both Windows and Ubuntu machines.

Regarding the huge HTML file, please also provide a screenshot highlighting the problematic Tables which have this ‘wrong additional column’ problem here for our reference. Thanks for your cooperation.

  1. I am observing the above problem during converting to DOCX format.

  2. The source code is as follows:

var doc0 = new Aspose.Words.Document("_7007_10.html");
doc0.Save("_7007_10.html.docx", Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx);
  1. I use v 20.3 but 19* have the same problem. Can you please try to run aspose by yourself on this file?


We have converted your HTML to DOCX format (see Output DOCX Word (5.4 KB)) on our end (on Windows 10 machine) and unlike the two “wrong additional columns” that you mentioned in your first post, we see only one <w:gridCol w:w="1"/> in generated DOCX file (see screenshot.png (4.6 KB)).

We will also test the scenario on Ubuntu VM and share our results here soon for your kind reference.

You are welcome. I am glad that you have found at least one wrong column. Please fix it.


We tested the scenario on Ubuntu and have managed to reproduce the same problem on our end. For the sake of correction, we have logged this problem in our issue tracking system. The ID of this issue is WORDSNET-20179. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you updated on the status of correction. We apologize for your inconvenience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-20179) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 23.8 update also available on NuGet.