After upgarding to Aspose.Words get evaluation message in document

Have always have had Licensing in Application_Start of Global.Asax file with no issues.(See below).

Since upgrading to now receive message at the top of the document in red that aspose.words is an evaluation copy.

void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();
    Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.License license1 = new Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.License();

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your inquiry. Please check the expiration date of your license file. To check an expiration date of your license, please open the license file using notepad. You will see the following tags:


It means that you can free upgrade to version of Aspose.Words published before 06/18/2013.

If you need to update to the latest version of Aspose.Words, but your license does not allow you to update to this version, you should contact Aspose sales team to renew your license.

Please disregard. Had not reapplied the licenses after renewal.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your feedback. It seems that your problem is solved now. Please feel free to ask if you have any question about Aspose.Words, we will be happy to help you.