Alignment in Footer


I have a question regarding how do I align 3 segments in footer. My requirement is to have title on the left side of footer, page no on the middle and date on the right. How do I align everything on the same line.

I am using XML as the source. If I use 3 text tags it’s obviously bringing the text on 3 lines. If I use 3 segment tags under one text tag, it’s not aligning. This is my code.


<Graph Width=“750” Height=“18”>

<Line Color=“Black” Position=“20 0 750 0” />



<Segment Alignment=“left” FontName=“Arial” IsTrueTypeFontBold=“true” FontSize=‘10’ IsSymbolReplaceable=“true” Color=‘rgb 0 0 160’>


<Segment Alignment=“center” FontName=“Arial” IsTrueTypeFontBold=“true” FontSize=‘10’ IsSymbolReplaceable=“true” Color=‘rgb 0 0 160’>

Page $p</Segment>

<Segment Alignment=“right” FontName=“Arial” IsTrueTypeFontBold=“true” FontSize=‘10’ IsSymbolReplaceable=“true” Color=‘rgb 0 0 160’>




Dear Jay,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Sorry for making you confused. This is a mistake of our design. In fact, alignment can only be used for text paragraph but not for segment. I have write the following comment for the TextInfo.Alignment property:

“Gets or sets a TextAlignment that indicates the text alignment mode. This property should be set for the Text object but not Segment object.”

As for your problem, you should use a table with 3 columns in the footer.

Thanks. I was thinking that as the final option. Now that has become the only option.

Thanks for the update.
