"Generated by Aspose.Words for .NET" comment in the document.xml in the converted docx file

We use Aspose.Words for .NET which we use to convert Word 2003(.doc) to Word 2007(.docx) documents.We use the license file provided by you and follow the way it is supposed to be used.However,after converting from .doc to .docx,the document.xml in the resulting .docx file contains the comment "Generated by Aspose.Words for .NET" . See the attached file and the line enclosed between the .We want to get rid of that message as that message appears in the created word file or any other form we used that .docx as an input for.

a) Is that message is expected to appear? If no,Is there anything wrong in what we are doing?
b)If the question to the above question is "yes" then we are looking at a way without removing that text programatically.Is there a setting which can be used or any other way for removing that message?

Thanks in advance for the quick reply,

It is a "generator name" and written by design.

I think it is a common practice that the application that creates a document writes some information that identifies the application that created the document and its version.

Let us know why do you want to remove.

We need to remove this as the contents of document.xml will be used for further processing for publishing in PDF (not using AsposePDF here) and for that the content of the whole XML file is being taken.We were not expecting any kind of custom message in the .docx file and now that message appears in the PDF.

Let us know how you can help us in this.

The "Generated by" message is an XML Comment and should not appear to the end user.

If you see it in final PDF then you definitely need to get that PDF generator fixed. If it cannot even ignore XML comments how could you trust it with anything else?

Sorry, I'm not yet convinced to remove the "Generated by" message from Aspose.Words documents.