"key cannot be null" exception when converting Word document to HTML


I keep getting the following exception when converting one file. By now I’ve deleted all content from the document and it still triggers the error! Could you investigate and see what is wrong?

Here’s the exception:
System.ArgumentNullException: Sleutel kan niet null zijn.
Parameternaam: key
bij System.Collections.Hashtable.ContainsKey(Object key)
bij System.Collections.Hashtable.Contains(Object key)
bij ?.?.?(String ?)
bij ?.?.?(Style ?)
bij ?.?..ctor(Styles styles)
bij ?.?.?(? ?)
bij Aspose.Words.Document.Save(String fileName, SaveFormat fileFormat)

Fwiw the Word document was edited in Office 2007.



Hi, I tried opening and saving your document in Aspose.Words and it works fine.

1. Make sure you are using latest version of Aspose.Words.

2. Wht format are you saving in? DOC?

ah oops I was using an older version. Upgrading to release 4.4.3 made the issue go away!

