we would like to print Pdf documents from C# under Windows, Linux and Mac, in some cases with network printers.
I have not found any limitation regarding this. Is it right, should everything work on all OS, also with network printers?
There is no such known limitation in this regard and you can print PDF using the API in any supported OS and network printers. However, in order to run the API without any issues in non-Windows Environments, you can make sure to install libgdiplus package along with all Microsoft Fonts (msttcorefonts). In case you notice any issue, please feel free to let us know.
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Hi Ali,
another question: How does it work internal? Is every PDF page converted to a raster image first, or is every page converted to PCL / Postscript and than sent to the printer? Because of the performance is that relevant.
We are collecting the related information at our end and will share with you shortly.