API hangs on converting MSG to MHTML (C# .NET)


Thanks for starting an investigation into the request - we appreciate your understanding and assistance.


You are welcome. We will update you with findings as soon as we have udpates.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as EMAILNET-39876,EMAILNET-39873) have been fixed in this update.

The update has resolved the most recent problem, thank you!

The time-out is a very good feature too. Now can you please ask the Aspose.PDF team to implement a similar time-out/interrupt for their API? :slight_smile: It has been “under investigation” for 5 years (!): Abort PDF Save thread. I submitted another confirmed example over a year ago, they said it would be investigated in February this year, but still no progress: Problems with text extraction on vector-based PDFs


Thank you for sharing the feedback. I have informed Aspose.PDF team as well to share the updates for concerned threads as well with you.

Hi Mudassir,

Apologies - somehow I missed this update. We will put this version into our code and do some testing - thanks for the update and investigation.

Would you mind explaining what we can expect to find (the link ultimately leads to a 404 on the release notes)? I understand the individual issue has probably been fixed so we’re not going to see the hanging issue anymore but what will happen when we come across a similar problem - is there still a potential for the aspose library to hang or will we get a timeout or similar? If so can we have some details of what exception to expect so we can trap it and handle it in our application?

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-20729) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 21.4 update and this Aspose.Words for Java 21.4 update.