Aspose Word-Blank Page


While Generating PDF with 1 record for attached Word doc, Blank page is coming as it is present in word doc which is right.

But when we generate the PDF for 2 record with this attached word Doc using version aspose-words-14.9.0 , blank page is not coming.

Sample code for generating 2 page PDF is attached. Why Blank page is not coming while generating PDF for 2 records. ?

Basically Aspose is trimming blank page while generating PDF for 2 records.

thanks and regards
Deepak Aneja

Hi Deepak,

Thanks for your inquiry. Aspose.Words mimics the behavior of MS Word 2013 i.e. if you perform mail merge using MS Word 2013 on this document (Template_BlankPage.docx) then it does not insert blank page for the first record either. So, this is the expected behavior. If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.

Best regards,