Apply numbered list to paragraphs within Bookmark


i have a document containing various bookmarks.
I need to move to a specific bookmark and applay numbered list format to all paragraphs within the bookmark.
How can i obtain this?

I’m using Aspose.Words .NET…tried the following code:

            Dim bm As Bookmark = document_.Range.Bookmarks(bookmark_)
            If Not bm Is Nothing Then
                Dim currentNode As Node = bm.BookmarkStart
                While (Not currentNode Is Nothing AndAlso Not currentNode.Equals(bm.BookmarkEnd))
                    If currentNode.NodeType = NodeType.Run Then
                        DirectCast(currentNode, Run).ParentParagraph.ListFormat.ApplyNumberDefault()
                    End If
                    currentNode = currentNode.NextSibling
                End While
                bLg.Error("bookmark " & bookmark_ & "not found")
            End If

But this way only the first paragraph is numbered.
Can you help?

Thanks in advance. (7.8 KB)

Please use the following code example to get the desired output.

Dim doc = New Document(MyDir & "test.doc")
Dim bookmark As Bookmark = doc.Range.Bookmarks("T01_Nummerierung")
Dim list As List = doc.Lists.Add(ListTemplate.NumberDefault)
Dim node As Node = CType(bookmark.BookmarkStart, Node)
(CType(node.ParentNode, Paragraph)).ListFormat.List = list

While node <> bookmark.BookmarkEnd
node = node.NextPreOrder(doc)

If node.NodeType = NodeType.Paragraph Then
(CType(node, Paragraph)).ListFormat.List = list
End If
End While

doc.Save(MyDir & "output.docx")

This works perfectly for me…thanks

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