Are Task calendar and Physical%Complete supported


I just wonder if Task calendars and the field Physical%complete are supported ?.


Hello Torger,

Thanks for your consideration.

I’m sorry but PhysicalProcentComplete and other new Project 2003 properties (SPI, StartSlack, FinishSlack, EAC and etc.) are not supported because it can’t be stored in MPX format.

Next release will read and write MPD (Project Database) file format and will have possibility to work with Project Server 2003 Database so all new properties will be supported. Task calendars will be supported too.

Your posting in April indicated that the next release will support read write MPD file format. Has that release become available?

Please advise,

Dear Tooey,

Aspose.Project 1.1 with MPD format support was released in June.
Please check post Aspose.Project 1.1 and its Hot Fixes.