Hi, I’m using Aspose.Cells to generate a report file from a custom Excel template. The problem is, when I print it to Excel format (report_aspose.xlsx), the last line from each page is overflowed, which is supposed to be correct since it happens the same in the template. But somehow when I print it to Pdf format, the overflow issue doesnt happen at all. When I convert Excel file to Pdf via Adobe printer, the line in Pdf is overflow, and also the overall scale of this Pdf file (report_adobe_print.pdf) seems to be different from the Pdf file generated by Aspose.Cells (report_aspose.pdf), as the row width and column height from the latter seems to be smaller. Even when I change the template file so that overflow doesn’t happen, the scale is still different.
I want to ask whether Aspose has some mechanics to automatically change the scale when printed in Pdf format? If yes, how can I config it?
Version used: Aspose.Cells for Java, ver22.8
Sample code:
Excel format:
try {
this.workbook.save(outputStream, SaveFormat.XLSX);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Pdf format:
try {
this.workbook.save(outputStream, SaveFormat.PDF);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
reports.zip (2.7 MB)