Aspose Cells for chart.NSeries.Add()

Hai. I am using Aspose cells for dot net 2005. I have an issue to report some Group of Events into an excel. For this I need to display some 10 to 20 events into the cells as a table. I have no burdern to display the recorda as a table. The problem is to display these records in a chart. Since for display a chart it needs

chart.NSeries.Add("A2:A20",true). It's quite easty to show this series from A2:A20. But I want to show the results like this A2, A4, A7, A11, A20 but not continuous series. So I need your help to show the chart from an dynamic series instead of continuous seris. Kindly advice me. Thank you.


Well, you may do it quite easily,

e.g.., (In the example, I assume that the data comes from "Data" worksheet)

chart.NSeries.Add("Data!A2,Data!A4,Data!A7,Data!A11,Data!A20", true);

Thank you.