I bought aspose.cells some years ago both for .net and for java. The .net version comes with an help file with it, but not the java version.
I have worked most with the java version for some time without exploring new features.
The java API I can now get online seems not to be exactly the same than before; lots of changes seems to have happened in a short time. Example cells.get() instead of cells.getCell() or worksheets.add () do not work with my version. I want to use PivotTables but the example I can get on line do not work with my version either (pivotTables.get(0) the index is not correct). Is there somewhere an information about the changes in the API or with olders API?
I have just found the announcement about the changes coming with the 7.0 version. Good idea to have less differences between the .net and the java API; only keeping track of the older java API online would have been a good idea. Also index=collection. add() seems to give something different than before since collection.getObject(index) gives an error message with the older API. Also the java API online seems less clear then before (I find it difficult now to find just how to create an object) .
Thank you for the quick answer. I have downnloaded yesterday le 7.0 version, but I mast say I already had the API documentation in my old version (HTML files) but I had forgotten it since I took the habit of using the documentation online. I have not yet taken to using the 7.0 version and I encounter something strange the the old one :the PivotTables I get from my worksheet get has a 0 size even if I can see that there is a PivotTable report oin my excel sheet
if you still find the issue, kindly give us your template file and share your sample code here to reproduce the issue on our end. We will check it soon.
Let us know if you face any issue regarding Aspose.Cells for Java API (s), we will be glad to help you.
Also, you can download and try the Offline Java Demos of Aspose.Cells for Java.
It contains simple runnable console examples which will help you to get familiar with Aspose.Cells for Java API (s) quickly and you will be able to upgrade your existing code.
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