Aspose.Cells get font color problem

Excel cell font set color to RED,

Aspose.cell alway show

range[rowindex, cellindex].Style.BackgroundColor.Name


?range[rowindex, cellindex].Style.Font.Color

{Name=ffff0000, ARGB=(255, 255, 0, 0)}"

A: 255

B: 0

G: 0

IsEmpty: false

IsKnownColor: false

IsNamedColor: false

IsSystemColor: false

Name: "ffff0000"

R: 255


any way i can get correct Excel font color?


remove ff in the front


Please use ForegroundColor property instead if you want to get the shading solid color of a cell.

range[rowindex, cellindex].Style.BackgroundColor.Name

If you get the values of R G B, they will be 255,0,0 respectively.

If you still find any issue, post your template file with sample code.

We will check it soon.

Thank you.