Aspose.Cells jar third party classes versions

Hi there,

Just curious, if I found a newer version of , for example, woodstox jar, can I just replace what's in the Aspose.Cell package with the newest one? Or it's mandatory to setup Cells with some particular third party jars which comes with the package?

P.S. I have the latest Aspose.Cells




Commonly those libraries should be backwards compatible, so updating newer version of them should also be able to work with cells component.

However, our test of cells component is based on those libraries that we provide in the archive of official release and we cannot guarantee the newer versions of third-party libraries are completely backwards compatible. So, if no special requirement, it is better for user to use all the libraries we provide in the release archive when using cells component.

If you have to upgrade those libraries, you’d better give enough test to check whether it can work well with cells component. And If you find any issue, please let us know and we will try our best to help you for that.

Thank you.