Aspose Cells .Net 8 Compatibility issue

we are using below Aspose cells package.
PackageReference Include=“Aspose.Cells” Version=“24.6.0”

We have upgraded to .Net 8 version recently, After upgrade Aspose and export is not working on Linux platform.

Can you please suggest a solution.


Hi @KartheekReddyGep
Aspose.cells product supports running in NET8 under Linux. Please make sure that your dependencies, especially the graphics library. If you previously relied on the“System.drawing.common” graphics library, you will not be able to use it properly after upgrading to NET8. You need to use“SKIASHARP” dependencies:

Aspose. Cells has a“Skiasharp” dependent version under NET6 or NET8. You can refer to the following documentation, which is a configuration for NET6, but you can still refer to it under NET8 by modifying the dockerfile.

In addition, you can also provide more detailed information, such as a simple program to run, a dockerfile, and so on, we can better assist you with the configuration and problem location. (105.4 KB)

Please refer to the sample project I wrote to configure Aspose. Cells runs under NET8 and Linux Docker as a simple example.

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