For numbers are displayed as #, only the first page you highlighted/commented has this problem, we will try to fix it. For other pages you highlighted/commented, the numbers are also displayed as # in the Excel generated pdf(Manually clear printarea for every sheet, then manually save to pdf in Excel).
This is to inform you that your issue CELLSJAVA-45200(old Id: CELLSNET-52678) has been resolved. The fix will be included in an upcoming release (Aspose.Cells v23.3) that we plan to release in the first half of March 2023. You will be notified when the next version is released.
Now I am using the latest Aspose cells 23.3
Using java 8 on Windows system I have found different issues, please check these files (8.7 MB)
Through code we are considering the printarea and onePagePerSheet is set to False.
We can’t reproduce the issue with your code on our side.
Also it seems that the pdf you shared is not generated by Aspose.Cells: Screenshot_producer.png (36.5 KB)
Please share us the pdf file generated by Aspose.Cells.
Yes, it is not converted through Aspose, that is the issue, getting java.lang.Exception
I can not share generated PDF before that only I am getting exception.
Can you share latest Aspose cell 23.3 jar, in case it is not correct one which I have downloaded.
Please ignore this previous output zip it was not generated through Aspose.
Also the standalone program works fine but when I run in my project throwing the exception, checking at my end.
Yes, issue of throwing exception can be discuss on that topic, but keep this open for CELLSNET-52679 - Dialog box is not converted into output PDF properly
Your issue(CELLSJAVA-45199) has been resolved and the fixed functionality will be released with version 24.2.
Here is the resulting file generated using the latest function: PRV-MM-TQ-00015-java.pdf (285.5 KB)
It should be noted that this time we mainly fixed the problems you encountered. Dialog shape rendering itself is still being optimized and you may encounter other issues while using it. If you find a problem, please contact us and we will solve it for you.
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