In excel you can click the "Allow Users to Edit Ranges" and create a range and assign a range password. In addition, you can set permissions for that range for either domain users and or domain groups to edit the range with or without a password.
In Aspose cells there is a ProtectedRange object which allows you to assign a passsword to a cellarea but I dont see how you can apply permissions to allow a domain user or group the ability to edit the range with or without a password.
In excel you can click the "Allow Users to
Edit Ranges" and create a range and assign a range password. In
addition, you can set permissions for that range for either domain users
and or domain groups to edit the range with or without a password.
Aspose cells there is a ProtectedRange object which allows you to
assign a passsword to a cellarea but I dont see how you can apply
permissions to allow a domain user or group the ability to edit the
range with or without a password.
Thanks for using Aspose.Cells for .NET.
Please use
worksheet.AllowEditRanges for your needs.
Let us know if you still face any issue.
I have followed your suggestion but still end up with a ProtectRange object and I stated in my first post how do you assigndomain users and domain groups to this rnage as you can in Excel.
I have followed your suggestion but still end up with a ProtectRange object and I stated in my first post how do you assigndomain users and domain groups to this rnage as you can in Excel.
Thanks for your input.
We have added your comments in our database against the issue id:
CELLSNET-41052We will look into your issue and give you advice asap.
We have closely looked into your request. Now we know what’s your need.
We can only provide a temporary solution (Adding ProtectedRange.SecurityDescriptor to get and set securityDescriptor) because we are not very clear the structure of this feature.
The structure of the ProtectedRange.SecurityDescriptor is :
“O:WDG:WDD:(A/D;; CC;;;SID)*”
“O:WDG:WDD “: unknown
"A/D”: Allow or Deny
"CC”: unknown
SID: User or group sid.
There are two ways to get SID:
a) by tool PsGetSid :
b) by codes :
For example:
We added permissions for two users, one is denied, another is allowed. The codes is following :
Please let us know whether it fits your needs.
For the short term I think it may fit our needs.
Thanks for the confirmation.
We will go for it. Once it is supported, we will let you know here.
Thank you.
Thanks for using Aspose.Cells.
We have added new property ProtectedRange.SecurityDescriptor for your needs.
Please download and try this fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.3.1.5 and let us know your feedback.
Thanks will advise when we test the functionality
You are welcome.
Please feel free to post on our forums to let us know your findings or if you face any other issue relating to Aspose.Cells.
We will be glad to assist you further.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-41052) have been fixed in this update.
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