Aspose delete space in Formula and line break in Java linked to ticket number CELLSNET-47162

Following the ticket we opened regarding the Excel formula modifications by Aspose (ticket number CELLSNET-47162 ), we have conducted tests. Unfortunately, the issue persists: the formulas are still being altered. you find the attached tests scenarios and the comparison results with Spreadsheet Compare :


Step 1: Calculate the formula with Aspose
Step 2: Save the file directly to the network without opening it.
Step 3: Compare the original Template with the file

=> Template has been altered

The carriage returns are no longer bieng deleted, but ASPOSE continues to modify the official template

Example on the "Input" tab: Spaces have been removed.  ASPOSE always removes one space.
  -  there are 2 spaces in the original Template . 
  -  In export  (ASPOSE) we find one space insted of 2 spaces. 

Example on the "CSV_MR_CCR tab" : 
  -  In this example  there are 18 spaces in the original template.
  -  In export  (ASPOSE) we find 17 insted of 18 spaces.

Input value modified
Aspose also modifies the entred values in cells containing percentages. It rounds off the precision we want no update of the value

Example on the "Input" tab Cell P11, 
  - original value   :  9,5% (9.4645100640342594E-2)
  - value modifierd by Aspose :  9,5% (0.0946451006403426)
  - needed value = original value   :  9,5% (9.4645100640342594E-2)

The layout is also modified

Example on the TRA_CAPMEAS tab Cell  A1: 
- Original  : Couleur de l’arrière-plan : Color [Window],   Couleur du premier plan : Color [WindowText],   Police : [Font: Name=Tahoma, Size=11, Units=3, GdiCharSet=1, GdiVerticalFont=False],   Code de format : 

- Modifierd by Aspose : Couleur de l’arrière-plan : Color [Window],   Couleur du premier plan : Color [WindowText],   Police : [Font: Name=Calibri, Size=11, Units=3, GdiCharSet=1, GdiVerticalFont=False],   Code de format : 
- Needed behavior : no changing the original  

I attached the :

  • original template : EBA_ST2023_TEMPLATE_20230424 Pays_original.xlsx (i can’t attached the file because of size limit )
  • Compare.xlsx
  • fileUpdatedWithAspose.xlsx (i can’t attached the file because of size limit )

Can you please look into the issue?
Here is the order number for the supplier Insight: 4500037687

Compare.7z (549.2 KB)

Can you take the ticket with the paid support ?


Thanks for the Excel file and details.

To evaluate your mentioned issue(s) thoroughly and precisely, we need your template (original) Excel XLSX file, output XLSX file generated by Aspose.Cells for Java and complete sample (runnable) code or Java program which we can use to reproduce the issue on our end. If the files’ size is big, please upload to some file sharing service (e.g., dropbox, Google drive, etc.) and share the direct download URL/link (without any credentials) so we could download/get the resource files seamlessly. Moreover, please share some screenshots to highlight the spaces, input values (modified) and layout issues, you may compare some parts of input contents (of original Excel file) Vs problematic contents of output file(s). This way, we can understand your mentioned issues fully and consequently we can figure out issues soon.,

If you have purchased Paid Support, then you may use the Paid Support account/credentials to login and post the issue(s) by opening new tickets/threads on Paid Support Helpdesk. You may also raise existing tickets to paid support @ paid support. See the page on Paid Support FAQs and other policies for your reference.

@amjad.sahi we are a company, our sharepoint is private we can share the documents, except by email is it possible to give us an email to send you the files?,

Please zip template (original) Excel XLSX file, output XLSX file generated by Aspose.Cells for Java and complete sample (runnable) code or Java program in an archive and post/send to “amjad.sahi” @ Once we have sent the resource files, please confirm in this thread.