Aspose Email ClientSubmitTime seems to default to document's Date Modified, not the email submit time

When upgrading from Aspose Email version 22.6 to 23.8 and a special patch version, we’re noticing that the getClientSubmitTime API appears to be returning the document’s Modified Date value which isn’t necessarily the time that the email was actually submitted. Why the change in behavior? I could modify a document and then mail it days later so this change isn’t intuitive and presents misleading information to our users.

Note that we’ve raised a similar issue before with this behavior before and a special option was added at one point but things seem to have changed again. Here’s the previous Aspose email issue we raised: Sent Date on Email Returns Current Time - #17 by andrey.potapov

Code sample (sample email file attached). Note the difference in behavior where version 22.6 returned an Aspose Zero Date for the ClientSubmitTime whereas versions 23.8.x appear to be returning the document’s Modified Date value. In this sample document, the client submit time is returned as “Sep 19, 2023 05:54 PM” the same as the Date Modified and Date Created.Epiq Sample (66.6 KB)

MsgLoadOptions mlo = new MsgLoadOptions();
MailMessage mailMessage = MailMessage.load(“Epiq Sample Test.msg”, mlo);

MapiConversionOptions mco = MapiConversionOptions.getUnicodeFormat();
// keep empty dates when converting a message

MapiMessage mapiMessage = MapiMessage.fromMailMessage(mailMessage, mco);
System.out.println(mapiMessage.getClientSubmitTime()); // zero date

// check special “Aspose” zero date
if (mapiMessage.getClientSubmitTime().equals(ASPOSE_ZERO_DATE))
System.out.println(“ZERO DATE”);
System.out.println(“Client Submit Time=” + mapiMessage.getClientSubmitTime());

Hi @jmuth
Your issue is taken for investigation. We’ll contact you as soon as we have results.

Thanks for reporting your case.

@alexander.pavlov is there any update on this?

Hello @aweech,

I’m sorry for the delay. Your issue seems to be still under investigation. I’ll check its status and contact you asap.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): EMAILJAVA-35209

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