Aspose Excel - Unable to hide right corner triangle on each cells

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the quick response.

In my case, I have multiple sheets, and I need to change the row and column counts dynamically when navigating between sheets. However, the current solution you provided only applies to the first sheet, not to the others. I need this functionality to work dynamically for all sheets.

M.S. Sathish


We will evaluate your requirements and assist you accordingly. By the way, do you need to load an exiting Excel file having multiple worksheets in it and you need to set different rows/cols count dynamically for different worksheets?

Yes, I need to load an existing Excel file with multiple worksheets, and I want to set different row and column counts dynamically for each worksheet.


Thanks for your confirmation. We will evaluate your requirements and get back to you with scripts for your task.

For an empty worksheet, we will use the options.row.len and options.col.len to set the rows/columns count.
For non empty worksheet, the rows/columns count is decided by its content, the max row/column which contains styles or cell value. So if you want change it, you can use

//apply row count to 5/column count to 10 for worksheet which index is 1(zero based index),

if the worksheet is active, you need to call reRender to force a ui update:
