Aspose.Imaging Save throw Exceptions after cropped to 1*1

Hi Aspose team,

We’re using Aspose.Imaging.dll v20.3 to manipulate images. However, when we crop an .webp image to 1*1 size, and save it, an exception is thrown with messaging “ConvertRowsToUv assign pixel error!”. JPEG2000 files works no problem.

Our code is simple :

var image = Image.Load(path) as WebPImage;
image.Crop(rect);  // after crop, we can see image size has changed to 1*1 when debug
image.Save(destPath); // exception throws here

Here is the Stack trace

"   at \u0003   .\u0002(Int32[] \u0002, Int32 \u0003, Int32 \u0005, Int32 \b, \u0005    \u0006)\r\n   at \u0003   .\u0002(Int32[] \u0002, Int32 \u0003, Int32 \u0005, Single \b)\r\n   at \u000f   .\u0002(Int32[] \u0002, Int32 \u0003, Int32 \u0005, Boolean \b)\r\n   at \u0006   .\u0005()\r\n   at \u0006   .\u0002()\r\n   at Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Webp.WebPImage.SaveData(Stream stream)\r\n   at Aspose.Imaging.DataStreamSupporter.Save(Stream stream)\r\n   at Aspose.Imaging.DataStreamSupporter.Save(String filePath)\r\n   at 
.....(our code)

PS : we also found that image.Rotate() and image.Crop() will throw exceptions when rotate/crop small pixels of image, for example, 1x10, 2x5 …
PS2: image.Load() seem to have the same issue when manipulating low resolution images


Can you please provide the source file that you have used on your end. Please also try using Aspose.Imaging for .NET 21.7 on your end as well for this.