Perform OCR on Scanned PDF in Java to Make Searchable PDF

I have total license which is set before using com.aspose.ocr.AsposeOCR
There are 16 APIs in the demo Live Demo, however, there are only four (RecognizePage, RecognizeLine, RecognizeMultiplePages, RecognizePageFromUri) in the library. All of them provide terrible results. What should be done with the library to get those from Demo, for instance PDF to Searchable PDF, Scanned PDF OCR, and Table OCR in Java?

Used libraries:


We are collecting the information related to Aspose.OCR online App and will get back to you shortly.


  1. Our Web API (Free Online App) uses the Cloud SDK. So if you want to get the same result and have the same functionality - you must use the OCR Cloud SDK (Cloud OCR API for on-premise and online solutions)
  2. Cloud SDK uses the model that allows you to recognize tables and receipts. We plan to include this model in the downloadable version so that you will be able to make searchable PDF in Java OR convert scanned PDF to Searchable PDF, but we’re not sure we can do it any sooner