Currently using Aspose.PDF .NET 24.4.0
Aspose.PDF flatten does not retain annotation visual styles for annotations created using Aspose.PDF, and in the case of Square Annotation, deletes it entirely.
Here is a file with several annotations. The four at the bottom of the page were created using mostly boilerplate code from the documentation examples. I added border properties, but that’s it. After creating the markups with Aspose, I opened the file in Bluebeam Revu, and manually made copies of the markups, so same properties, just copied by Bluebeam. Bluebeam versions are at the top of the page.
all annotations added.pdf (6.6 KB)
Then I used the Aspose.PDF flatten function. I tried the document flatten, the page flatten, and the annotation flatten, all with the same result. The annotations created or copied in Bluebeam Revu flattened properly using the Aspose function. The annotations created using Aspose are incorrect. They either look visually completely different or are deleted. This file is the flatten result:
all annotations added_flattened_by_aspose.pdf (31.0 KB)
Here is the annotation creation code:
private void HighlightPages(Document document)
var circleAnnotation = new CircleAnnotation(document.Pages[1], new Rectangle(270, 160, 483, 383))
Title = "Annotation Created with Aspose",
Subject = "Circle Annotation Created with Aspose",
Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Red,
InteriorColor = Aspose.Pdf.Color.MistyRose,
Opacity = 0.25,
Popup = new PopupAnnotation(document.Pages[1], new Rectangle(842, 316, 1021, 459))
var circleBorder = new Border(circleAnnotation)
Width = 0,
Effect = BorderEffect.None,
Style = BorderStyle.Solid,
circleAnnotation.Border = circleBorder;
var squareAnnotation = new SquareAnnotation(document.Pages[1], new Rectangle(67, 317, 261, 459))
Title = "Annotation Created with Aspose",
Subject = "Square Annotation Created with Aspose",
Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Blue,
InteriorColor = Aspose.Pdf.Color.BlueViolet,
Opacity = 0.25,
Popup = new PopupAnnotation(document.Pages[1], new Rectangle(842, 196, 1021, 338))
var squareBorder = new Border(squareAnnotation)
Width = 0,
Effect = BorderEffect.None,
Style = BorderStyle.Solid,
squareAnnotation.Border = squareBorder;
var polygonAnnotation = new PolygonAnnotation(document.Pages[1],
new Rectangle(270, 193, 571, 383),
new Point[] {
new Point(274, 381),
new Point(555, 381),
new Point(555, 304),
new Point(570, 304),
new Point(570, 195),
new Point(274, 195)})
Title = "Polygon Annotation Created with Aspose",
Color = Color.Blue,
InteriorColor = Color.BlueViolet,
Opacity = 0.25,
Popup = new PopupAnnotation(document.Pages[1], new Rectangle(842, 196, 1021, 338))
var polygonBorder = new Border(polygonAnnotation)
Width = 0,
Effect = BorderEffect.None,
Style = BorderStyle.Solid,
polygonAnnotation.Border = polygonBorder;
// Create PoliLine Annotation
var polylineAnnotation = new PolylineAnnotation(document.Pages[1],
new Rectangle(270, 193, 571, 383),
new Point[]
new Point(545,150),
new Point(545,190),
new Point(667,190),
new Point(667,110),
new Point(626,111)
Title = "Polyline Annotation Created with Aspose",
Color = Color.Red,
Popup = new PopupAnnotation(document.Pages[1], new Rectangle(842, 196, 1021, 338)),
// Add annotation to the page
Here is the flatten code:
public void Flatten()
// Open the document
using (Document pdfDocument = new Document(_filePath))
// Flatten the document
foreach (Page page in pdfDocument.Pages)
// Flatten the page
foreach (Annotation annotation in page.Annotations)
// Flatten the annotation
// Save the updated document
exportCopy(_filePath, pdfDocument, "flattened","flattened_by_aspose");
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle any errors that occur during processing
_logger.Log($"An error occurred while processing the PDF: {ex.Message}", SeverityType.Critical);