Aspose.PDF - Cannot find any fonts installed on the system


On some machines we are getting following exception when trying to open XPS file:

"Cannot find any fonts installed on the system."
at #=z0wu1kzQMV1b1NNCoN27SHDEjXCnb.#=zL3PUHSzybB0X(String #=zibFGOzs=, FontStyle #=zKRrS19Q=, String #=zjS8gERYv7mrf)\r\n   
at #=z0wu1kzQMV1b1NNCoN27SHDEjXCnb.#=zlEuB$hjl3hPX(String #=zibFGOzs=, Single #=z$nGqjV9z7y1_, FontStyle #=zKRrS19Q=, String #=zjS8gERYv7mrf)\r\n   
at #=z0wu1kzQMV1b1NNCoN27SHDEjXCnb.#=zlEuB$hjl3hPX(String #=zibFGOzs=, Single #=z$nGqjV9z7y1_, FontStyle #=zKRrS19Q=)\r\n   
at #=z3l_3xwPpDwe6$Rm66aUAJCoSIpP_n9ToA5FTnyY=.#=zLTHUG70=()\r\n   
at #=z3l_3xwPpDwe6$Rm66aUAJCoSIpP_n9ToA5FTnyY=..ctor()\r\n   
at #=zQsWaDX6yhFjlxKfoFv9kTNQxfgPh.#=zU36mrOjSxVyY(Stream #=znfr3wBEBtFfE, Document #=z08DK$b8gmeZT, XpsLoadOptions #=zb0_yJ8Y=, Boolean #=zkniKRotEsyEe)

Our source code is simple:

public void SaveXpsToPdf(Stream inputXpsStream, Stream outputPdfStream)
            using (var document = new Document(inputXpsStream, new XpsLoadOptions()))
                document.Save(outputPdfStream, SaveFormat.Pdf);

We render WPF controls to XPS and afterwards we use Aspose library for converting XPS to PDF.

Reproduced with:
Aspose.PDF 24.5.1
Runtime: .NET 8
OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard 10.0.20348 N/A Build 20348

I attached XPS file that causes this error (it’s not PDF, you need to change extension to XPS).

TestXps1.xps.pdf (78.7 KB)

Hi, @michalrakoczy! I can’t reproduce this issue for now, and I kindly ask you to check if the font Segoe UI is present on your test PC.

I will create a task for this issue, but your information will help us find the reason more quickly.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-57683

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Thank you for answer.

The font “Segoe UI” is installed on the machine where error occurs:

image.png (30.6 KB)

Thank you! I will keep you updated regarding progress.