We are using the Concatenate function to merge PDFs and it does seem to work on certain PDFs with bookmarks. The code doesn’t throw any error/ exception. It just hangs on the line of code where the concatenate is called. It seem to work perfectly on certain other files with bookmarks. The files are not large - 2 or 3 pages.
I ran the same files through Pdfsam and it was able to merge and keep the bookmarks without any issues.
Has anyone else encountered such issue and do you have a fix for it?
Could you provide the files that this happens to and the code snippet used?
Files uploaded. Code is in the zipfile
California_3522_2022_1.pdf (61.3 KB)
California_3522_2022_2.pdf (61.5 KB)
TestingPDFMerge.zip (94.6 KB)
Thank you, I’ll take a look and write today.
The problem has reproduced, I will create a corresponding task.
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