When we use the latest version of Aspose.PDF for Java 18.6 to convert PDF to Office format (doc, docx, xls, xlsx.pptx), the conversion takes a very long time. We have also used http://cloudconvert.com/ and Convertio — 文件转换器 the same file, they used Aspose.PDF for Java 18.6 nearly 1/10. I hope that you can improve the efficiency of file conversion as soon as possible.
Thank you for contacting support.
Would you please share source and generated files along with code snippet, environment details (OS details, JDK/JRE details etc) and amount of time consumed during this conversion. So that we may investigate further to help you out.
Ubuntu 64位系统,OpenJDK 1.8.0,内存分配了9G,CPU同时处理并发数为 4,Aspose 使用PDF18.6jar包,程序是单进程4线程(最大同时处理4个Aspose转换任务)启动后常住内存,
- 最严重的问题是,Aspose进程连续处理了一天或者两天之后,任务就一直超时,需要重启Aspose进程
- Aspose进程正常时,超时的情况在 PDF转 DOC、DOCX出现的概率最高
- 不是个别文件PDF转换慢,是大部分情况,平均准换每1M的文件需要90秒左右
PDF转DOCX,源文件 http://file.17pdf.com/private/10d4518d-7338-4641-a601-e07fb9db3195/17pdf/916ca1cb-a7d7-452e-9b04-95f1fad5060e?Expires=4687998300&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAIBSxSrO3XuszA&Signature=pXNTcMojIeXTR72sTnq3X8PUzFk%3D
PDF转PPTX,源文件 http://file.17pdf.com/private/c37c99da-abac-4b4b-b241-fa1e6df5f373/17pdf/d849aee1-473a-4904-adc3-7a38b1ba4a88?Expires=4687995243&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAIBSxSrO3XuszA&Signature=dMClbw%2BdOK9xM%2Fezxfz%2BCJK%2Fyhg%3D
PDF转XLS,源文件 http://file.17pdf.com/private/f0e60599-7847-40e5-a309-b78a4c139810/17pdf/76a2164a-748d-48c6-81eb-4ccd80212a5b?Expires=4687901009&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAIBSxSrO3XuszA&Signature=Aopy7SB%2ForGs4pd1dpX6eteJQHU%3D
Thank you for sharing requested data with us.
We have worked with the data shared by you and have shared our findings with you in another thread created by you. Please follow up in respective thread.