Aspose.pdf for Java. Save is slow on some documents

Save of some PDF documents are slow in aspose-pdf 20.7 and later (tested with 20,6, 20,7, 20.8 and 20.9). Attached document woks fine with aspose-pdf 20.6 and earlier.

Document document = new Document(filename);
long startSave = System.currentTimeMillis();;
long endSave = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.format(“save: %d ms%n”, endOpen-startOpen, endSave-startSave);

Result for attached document. All test run with Java 8:

  • 20.8: save: 93009 ms
  • 20.7: save: 89004 ms
  • 20.6: save: 4100 ms

[Link to code and example file](


We were able to notice the issue in our environment and have logged it as PDFJAVA-39835 in our issue management system for the sake of correction. We will further look into its details and keep you posted with the status of its correction. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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This issue seems to been fixed in version 20.11 of aspose-pdf for Java.
Testresult with example code from earlier post:

  • 20.6: save: 4393 ms
  • 20.7: save: 110064 ms
  • 20.8: save: 109473 ms
  • 20.9: save: 104634 ms
  • 20.10: save: 147346 ms
  • 20.11: save: 3216 ms
  • 20.12: save: 3561 ms
  • 21.8: save: 3180 ms


Thanks for the feedback. We make improvements in terms of performance in the API at the time of every monthly release. The issue may have been fixed due to enhancements and improvements added to the later versions of the API. We have updated the ticket information as per your feedback.