Aspose.Pdf for ZUGFeRD attachments

I cannot say much about the internal structures of the PDF and the XML file. Maybe you can check the following link: "". And maybe it is already possible to create such a ZUGFeRD-File? I have changed the Code examples, so that the Name of the XML-file is always “ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml” with using the contens-property. but I am not sure if the other needed Things are correct.
you can download a sample file from "". maybe you can investigate the internal structure? As I said, the ZUGFeRD and Xrechnung are coming across Europe.
Thanks for your help


Thanks for providing further details.

We have logged above details along with the ticket and will definitely look into feasibility of the feature. As soon as we have some definite updates regarding feature implementation, we will let you know. Please be patient and spare us little time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

thank you for your help.
For me it is very important to create files for ZUGFeRD. Unfortunately I have to select the component for creating this files in the next 3 or 4 weeks. please inform me as soon as possible about your plan for implementation of the ZUGFeRD functionality.
regards and a happy new year :slight_smile:


Thanks for your feedback.

We will definitely look into the feasibility of the feature and as soon as we have some share worthy updates regarding ETA of ticket resolution, we will let you know.

thank you. I think it is getting more important for all because with version 2.0 of ZUGFeRD Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland will use this format for the invoices. Maybe it is recommended for all countries in europe soon?


The earlier logged investigation ticket has been taken into account for detailed investigation and as soon as we find it feasible to be included in API, we will definitely add it as new feature. However, we have recorded your concerns and will definitely consider them during investigation. Please spare us little time.

I am sorry, but I need a binding statement, whether you implement the ZUGFeRD processing or not and the timeline of the implementation. When I review the ticket then I see, that the basic problem, described from Christian in April 2016, is still there.
Because I have to decide this week, I need the info soon. I prefer using aspose :slight_smile:.


Thanks for writing back.

We are investigating the feasibility of the issue and will surely let you know as soon as possible. Please spare us little time.

it seems that the implementation of ZUGFeRD isn’t necessry anymore. With version ZUGFeRD 2.0 the xml file can be send alone. It has not to be embedded in the pdf file anymore! we will support only the 2.0 for our customers, so the integration of version 1 is not necessary.
thank you for your help.


Thanks for writing to us.

We have noticed your comments and recorded them along with the logged ticket. In case any progress is made towards feature implementation in future, we will share with you. Please keep using our API and in case you have any further concern or requirement, please feel free to let us know.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-38577) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.3.


will there be a fix for Java too?

Best regards

quote=“ctreptow, post:11, topic:33077”]
Missing things are:

  • /Type: /EmbeddedFile (at the Stream)
  • /AFRelationship: /Alternative (at the FileSpecification)
  • FileSpecification.Params.Size is not calculated


i am still missing the functions for setting mentioned properties.
Isi it part of fix Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.3?

Best regards


Sure, you can also test using Aspose.PDF for Java 19.3 and in case you face any issue, please feel free to let us know.

Furthermore, please note that your code should be updated where attachment must not be added to embedded files:

Document doc = new Document("c:/pdftest/Portrait.pdf");
Stream fs = File.OpenRead("c:/pdftest/inputfile.xml");
FileSpecification spec = new FileSpecification(fs, "ZUGFeRD invoice in XML format");
spec.Description = "ZUGFeRD invoice in XML format";
spec.Name = "inputfile.xml";
spec.Contents = fs;
spec.MIMEType = "text/xml"; // NullReferenceException here


is there any way to set the AFRelationShip and the file size in FileParams of the FileSpecification?
Thanks a lot.

Best regards


Thanks for your inquiry.

We will further check your requirements and share our feedback with you soon. Please spare us little time.

it’s 4,5 years after the initial issue, 3,5 years after the interim fix and still Aspose does not know if their lib supports the requirements of the payment standard ZUGFeRD. Guess this is a representative thread :clown_face:


The discussed feature needs significant amount of time to get investigated and implemented as it involves changes in internal components of the API. Since issue was logged under free support model, it has low priority and due to other high priority issues and implementations, it could not get investigated.

Nevertheless, we have recorded your concerns and will definitely consider them during issue investigation. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this regard. Please spare us little time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello there,

we are currently implementing the ZUGFeRD-Standard. Since it gets mandatory (Nov 20 2020) for our customers to get any government orders we need to find a solution for this issue. If you guys cant find a solution soon we have to consider using another provider.

What’s the current state of this issue?


We are working over this feature and intend to provide it in future versions of the API. We regret that we cannot share any ETA at the moment due to certain amount of work needed to implement it. We have recorded your concerns and will consider them during ticket implementation. Please spare us some time.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.