'aspose.pydrawing.Brushes' is not initialized

Hi - Whenever I am importing aspose-words python in Linux, I am seeing there errors in the console. I couldn’t find much info on this.

import aspose.words as aw


Exception ignored in: 'FieldInitializationWarning'
ImportError: the static field 'transparent' of type 'aspose.pydrawing.Brushes' is not initialized
Exception ignored in: 'FieldInitializationWarning'
ImportError: the static field 'alice_blue' of type 'aspose.pydrawing.Brushes' is not initialized
Exception ignored in: 'FieldInitializationWarning'
ImportError: the static field 'antique_white' of type 'aspose.pydrawing.Brushes' is not initialized

Hi @dharanikumar7998,

This is a known problem. To fix it, you should install libgdiplus package for your Linux distribution. Or you can simply ignore these warnings as they do not affect anything in Aspose.Words.