Aspose.Slider For .NET 关于段落符号

1111.png (14.8 KB)


左边部分 是用PPT里自带的段落符号功能

右边部分 是使用代码生成的

存在差异,是否有办法解决, 下载的demo生成的右边部分的样式


para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = BulletType.Symbol;
para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Color.ColorType = ColorType.RGB;
para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Color.Color = BulletColor;
para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.IsBulletHardColor = NullableBool.True;


我已经观察了这些要求,并希望分享您需要在ParagraphFormat类中将HangingPunctuation proerty设置为true以实现此目的。 请在代码中添加以下行。

para.ParagraphFormat.HangingPunctuation = NullableBool.True;



我请求您提供示例代码以及源代码演示和生成的输出。 一旦请求的信息将被共享,我们将能够进一步调查此问题。

生成的PPT样例1111.png (36.8 KB)


public void test_ppt()
Presentation MyPres = null;//PPT应用的实例
ISlide sld = null;//PPT中的幻灯片
ILayoutSlide blankLayout = null;
string DownLoadFilePath = string.Empty;
Paragraph para = null;
IAutoShape ashp = null;
IShape shp = null;
ITextFrame txtFrm = null;
IPPImage imgx = null;
string Paragraph = “first line word here 我是第一行\nsecond line word here 我是第二行\nthird line word here 我是第三行”;

        PPTCom.Instance.openPPT(ref DownLoadFilePath, ref MyPres, ref blankLayout);

        sld = MyPres.Slides.AddEmptySlide(blankLayout);

        #region 插入多行文字

        ashp = sld.Shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 50, 50, 300, 200);

        //Accessing the text frame of created autoshape
        txtFrm = ashp.TextFrame;
        //Removing the default exisiting paragraph

        var list_Paragraph = Paragraph.Split((new string[] { "\n" }), StringSplitOptions.None);

        foreach (var str in list_Paragraph)

            para = new Paragraph();
            para.Text = str;
            //Adding Paragraph to text frame

            // Setting paragraph bullet style and symbol                                                                                             
            para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = BulletType.Symbol;
            // Setting Bullet Height                                                                                                         
            para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Height = 100;
            para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Char = Convert.ToChar(8226);
            para.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = TextAlignment.Left;
            para.ParagraphFormat.Indent = (float)20;
            // Setting bullet color                                                                                                              
            para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Color.ColorType = ColorType.RGB;
            para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Color.Color = PPTCom.Instance.RGB("000000");
            para.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.IsBulletHardColor = NullableBool.True; // set IsBulletHardColor to true to use own bullet color  
            para.ParagraphFormat.HangingPunctuation = NullableBool.True;
            // Create Portion object for paragraph                                                                                                   
            IPortion portion = para.Portions[0];
            //portion.Text = "Text here";                                                                                                            
            portion.PortionFormat.FillFormat.FillType = FillType.Solid;
            portion.PortionFormat.FillFormat.SolidFillColor.Color = PPTCom.Instance.RGB("000000");
            //// Set font to Bold
            // Set font to Bold                                                                                                                      
            portion.PortionFormat.FontBold = NullableBool.True;
            //// Set font to Italic
            // Set font to Italic                                                                                                                    
            portion.PortionFormat.FontItalic = NullableBool.True;
            portion.PortionFormat.FontHeight = (float)22;



        PPTCom.Instance.SavePPT(MyPres, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + DownLoadFilePath);


