Aspose.Slides 18.11 requires more memory than 17.8 using Java

I’ve noticed higher memory requirements in slides 18.11 respect 17.8.
If you take a very big PPTX file like the one I’ve used for test, reachable here:
then you’ll see that with version 17.8 the conversion to PDF goes fine, while using 18.11 leads to an out of memory error. Both tests with the same java allocated heap.
My code is not needed as it’s very simple, just open the document and SaveAs Pdf, with no specific saveoptions set.
Many thanks in advance for the attention.


I have worked with the presentation shared by you using Aspose.Slides for Java 18.11.0 and have been able to observe the issue. A ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-37419 has been added in our issue tracking system to resolve the issue. This thread has been associated with the ticket so that we share notification with you once issue will be fixed.


I like to inform that we are investigating issue and can you please share the JVM arguments (Xmx, Xmx and etc) with us for further investigation.

tested using NetBeans 9 with no specific JVM arguments, no Xmx etc.(default).


I have observed your comments. Thanks for sharing information with us. We will get back to you with feedback soon.