Aspose.Slides 21.5 Is Corrupting Charts in PPTX Files

Issues noticed are:

  1. Year labels are being lost when just loading and then saving file with Aspose.Slides 21.10 as well (latest version).
  2. We tested and verified that the issue was introduced in Aspose.Slides 20.12.
  3. The issue is not happening in Aspose.Slides 20.11 and lower.
  4. You can check the sample app or just check “BEFORE” and “AFTER” files in “bin” folder.

You can access the above mentioned file from our public drive Aspose-24

In the above folder you will see the sample file [ChartYearLabelIssue.pptx] and the C# solution [].

You can reproduce the issue by:
a. Running the sample solution and then checking “BEFORE” and “AFTER” files in the “bin” folder.
b. Testing the sample files attached. For that, you just need to load it by Aspose.Slides library and then save it back.

Thank you for the issue description.

I reproduced the problem with saving year labels and logged the issue with ID SLIDESNET-42874 in our tracking system. Our development team will investigate this case. You will be notified when it is fixed.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-42874) have been fixed in this update.