'Aspose.Slides.CellBorder' does not contain a definition for 'LineFormat'


I just upgraded to your new table engine by downloading Aspose.Slides for .Net However when I tried to compile my code I get an error message stating that the "LineFormat' of a table's cell border is not supported.

Here is a piece of code that generates the error.

Cell cell = table.GetCell(currentColumn, row);
lineFormat = cell.BorderTop.LineFormat;
lineFormat.Width = cellProperty.BorderTopWeight;
lineFormat.ForeColor = cellProperty.BorderTopForeColor;
lineFormat.ShowLines = cellProperty.BorderTopVisible;
lineFormat.DashStyle = cellProperty.BorderTopDashStyle;
lineFormat.Style = cellProperty.BorderTopStyle;

It would be great if you could look into this ASAP.


Please see this thread.

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