Aspose.Slides Returns Wrong Slide Size from a PowerPoint Presentation


I detected that Aspose.Slides is returning an invalid size for some PPTXs.

I used:

IPresentation ppt = new com.aspose.slides.Presentation("/home/users/Downloads/CIJ_Corse_Layout_PPT_3…pptx");


In this sample code, I expect that the width is 960 and the height is 540, but the values returned by Apose.Slides are 720 and 405, respectively

Thank you for contacting support.

Please take a look at the Slide Size options in PowerPoint. The slide size is 10 x 5.625 inches. This size equals 720 x 405 pt.
slide_size.jpg (166.1 KB)

I attach some screenshots of my presentation size in PPTX, and cm to px conversion.

image.png (10.2 KB)

image.png (50.0 KB)

image.png (51.4 KB)

Oh, the problem is that I thought they were pixels. So all the sizes (slides, shapes, cells…) are in pt?

Yes, Aspose.Slides returns sizes in pt. 25.4 x 14.288 cm also equals 720 x 405 pt.

API Reference: getSize Method