Aspose - slides

Hi, Is it possible to create the table of contents for the pwer point presentation created through the java application.

If so what API should be used?

This message was posted using Page2Forum from Aspose.Slides for .NET and Java - Documentation

Dear Sivakumar,

Thanks for considering Aspose.Slides.

Yes, you can generate them from Title Text of every slide.

Every slide has a title placeholder and it is present at index 0 in placeholders collection of Slide object.

So you can access it

Placeholder TitlePlHld=Slide.getPlaceholders().get(0);

Then you will convert it to TextHolder

TextHolder TitleTHld=(TextHolder)TitlePlHld;

Finally, you can get access to the Title text in this way.

String TitleText=TitleHld.getText();

For more help on extracting text, you should see this Technical Tip.

Extract entire text from a Presentation